Ops Leadership Committee

Management Representative – Jeff Birchfield, Grant Hubbell, Gary Jager, Dave Corbin, Ron Walls, Dan Munsey

Labor Representatives – Jim Grigoli, John Marini, Travis Aguirre, Jeremy Kern

District Representatives – Tracey Martinez, Theresa Mesa

Telestaff Committee

Management Representative – Bill Villarino

Labor Chair – Nima Homayounieh

Labor Representatives – Ryan Starling, Chris Snape, Aaron Comstock, Roy Gault, Brad Moore, Brad McCaulley, Cody Schnaufer

Negotiations Committee

Committee Chair – Grigoli

Nima Homayounieh

Jeremy Kern

Alternate: Brad McCaulley

Constitution & Bylaws Committee

Kyle Haudecour

Jen Miescher

Jeremy Pendergraft

Brian Agrelius

Aaron Matteson

Brian Bradly

Jesse Sparks

Steve Story

Transfer Committee

Management Rep – Grant Hubbell

Committee Chair -Travis Aguirre

Division Reps – All

Uniform Committee

Labor Chair – Jason Husdon

Travis Anway

Rich Arnold

Sam Thomas

Jason Serrano

HAZMAT Committee

Sean Solis

John Garber

Randy Wormdahl

Steve Castagnola

Jeremy Pendergraft

John Miller

Jason Wagner

Adam Hoffman

Apparatus & Equipment Committee

Grant Hubbell

Dan Wooters

Labor Chair: Nathan Lopez

Brian Wells

Andrew Weis

Cliff Brackin

Jeff Schneider

Dale Sandoval (Shop)

Tom Pitts (Mechanic)

Larry Blahak (Warehouse)

Corbin Dorado (Warehouse)

HTD (Hiring Testing Development) Committee

Nima Homayounieh and Travis Aguirre

Wellness & Fitness Committee

Jaren Grundy

Tim Goforth

Matt Durham

Kelly Carter

Matt Anderson

EMS Committee

Labor Chair – Nick Harkins

Jeremy Pendergaft

Andrew Ball

Ryan Beckers

Anthony Forrand

Kelly Andersen

Mike Doucette

Derek Blenkarn

Tim Schons

Sky Rodriguez

Nic Turner

Francisco Lerma

Richard Huntling

Francisco Lerma

Support Services Committee

Grant Hubbell

Eric Spies

Trent Blanchard

Armando Rodriguez

Chris Larrison

Michael Labbs

Corbin Dorado

Jon Garber

Rebecca Suarez

Dan Wooters

Greg Ziegler

Labor Chair: John Marini

Chris Hayes

Jeremy Kern

Theresa Mesa

Doug Nelson

Bryant O’Hara

Anthony Rapoza

Yvonne Robbins

Dale Sandoval

Jeff Schneider

Josh Sprague

JAC Committee

Dan Mejia

Dan Munsey

Jim Griggoli

Jeremy Kern

Mike McClintock

Matt Durham

Heritage Committee

Management Rep – Mike Obier

Labor Rep – Shaun Millerick, Antonio Mascorro

Video/Media Production Committee

Jeremy Kern

Jeff Allen

Chris Saucerman

Eric Spies

Andrew Ball

BBQ Committee

Zach Taylor

Chuck Franklin

Union Hall Committee

Tony Mascorro


Chair – Jim Grigoli

All VPS, Secretary, and Treasurer

Social Media

Jeremy Kern

Chris Saucerman

Bryson Rahier

Eric Sherwin

Jeff Garcia

Workers Comp

Members may contact their VP to arrange a one hour free consult with the Mastagni Law Firm

Accident Review Board

Labor Chairs: Nic Turner and Nick Harkins