Online voting open 9/26 to 10/11

September 26, 2022 @ 8:00 am – October 11, 2022 @ 8:00 am America/Los Angeles Timezone

The following language change to Article VII Section 2 and Section 5 has been proposed for the Constitution and Bylaws.  All members are encouraged to vote on this proposal.

The Online voting center will open on September 26, 2022 at 0800 and close October 11, 2022 at 0800.

If passed by the membership the underlined language will be added and struck through language will be removed.  


Special meetings of the Membership may be held at the call of the President/Business Manager, by a majority vote of the Board, or by seven (7) members by filing a petition with the President/Business Manager. Four (4) members submitting the petition shall be present at the special meeting for the special meeting to be held.  Only the business specified in the petition, or the subject stated by the President/Business Manager or Board will be considered at a special meeting so called.  When a request for special meeting is submitted, the Board shall set a date for the meeting no less than seven days and no more than fourteen days from the day the petition was filed with the President/Business Manager or called by the President/Business Manager or Board.
Ratification of contract is a specific type of special meeting defined in Article VII Section 5 C and can be called for by the Executive Board or Affiliate group officer when a proposed contract is deemed ready for potential ratification by legal counsel, a Negotiator, or the Negotiations Team.  Ratification of contracts for San Bernardino County Suppression Members will be at (5) five consecutive days of special meetings with one meeting to be held in each geographical division.  Affiliate member groups within Local 935 may have less than 5 special meetings for ratification of their specific groups MOU.  (Changed by vote of the membership to 5 days from 2 days Nov 2014)



(A)    – GENERAL BUSINESS — A majority of the members present at any meeting decides any vote.

(B)    – DUES & ASSESSMENTS – Any increase in initiation fees, re-instatement fees, total dues or assessments by the Local shall be by a majority vote of the members in good standing voting in a referendum conducted by secret ballot.  Per capita dues required by the International Association of Firefighters, California Professional Firefighters, or their affiliates are automatically included as required by their constitution.

(C)    – RATIFICATION OF CONTRACT – A majority vote of the members in good standing voting by secret ballot at (5) five consecutive days of meeting with one meeting held in each geographical division.  The combined total of the five (5) meeting’s votes shall be considered the vote of the local. (Changed by vote of the membership from 2 days to 5 days November 2014)   San Bernardino County suppression ratification of contract shall be held at three meetings, one on each duty shift.  The President/Business Manager shall determine the date time and location of each meeting.  These three meetings will be held within a period of 10 days or less (This 10-day window for scheduling of the meetings does not include the 7 days required notification period for the membership as to the date, time, and location of the meetings).  Affiliate member groups within Local 935 may have less than (3) special meetings for the purpose of contract ratification for their specific group.