2019 Elections Results
Jim Grigoli was elected President/Business Manager
The AO Rep Positions are going to a runoff ballot that will be open to AO Employees online from 12/19/19 at 0800 to 12/30/19 at 0800.
The following offices were elected by acclimation at the November General Meeting:
West Valley Vice President John Marini
High Desert Vice President Travis Aguirre
South Desert Vice President Zach Taylor
Special Ops Vice President Tony Siciliano
FSA Representative Mike Kordich
Flight Crew Representative (effective 12/10/19) Chris Askew
North Desert Representative BJ Myers
Mountain Representative Craig Williams
East Valley Representatives (2) Jerry Jimenez and Javier Marquez
Trustees (3) Ryan Murphy Jett Schuster and Ken Konior
PASSED: Shall the Constitution and Bylaws
Article II Section 1 be changed as follows?
Underlined words will be added pending approval by the IAFF.
Each member shall pay dues. All regular members from the same department pay the same dues. Affiliate department members represented by Local 935 pay the dues amount determined by their respective membership’s pay scales. (Sentence added July 2016) All dues shall also include per capita tax and special assessments as required by the International Association of Firefighters, California Professional Firefighters or it’s affiliates and shall be increased or decreased according to the Constitution and By-laws of the International and its affiliates. The Executive Board may reduce the dues obligations for employee groups whose compensation is significantly lower than the rest of the general members. Members who are anticipated to be off work for an extended period of time may send a request in writing to the Executive Board that they be removed from dues obligation until such time as they are able to return to full duty.